Every human’s need is to have a healthy and peaceful life but with life’s immense challenges it does take a back step as per the different stages of life. Men and women have their own share of life responsibilities and their individual health care differs in terms of gender. The biological structure and level of pressure is immensely varying between men and woman. Women tend to neglect their health with increase in everyday tasks and face the challenge of taking care of each person associated with their life.
The stress-level of woman increases with early age due to responsibilities of family, education, career and day-to-day activities; they always have a tendency to put themselves at the end of the life’s priority list with health being the last. The kind of lifestyle woman follow through their life has direct effect on their physical, mental and reproductive health. This not only has mild effects at initial point of life but gradually turns to adverse effects that may stay prolonged for the rest of the life. Woman tend to face menstrual related issues which is the one directly affected and conditions like heavy bleeding, irregular periods as well it affects hormonal and emotional balance. These issues can be hereditary but now-a-days mainly because of the unhealthy and stressful lifestyle.
The need of the hour in terms of health challenges common to women, is to provide opportunities to improve access to health care and effective treatment in such a way that is natural with no side-effects. It is important to create a holistic approach where woman health is given utmost attention and care with intake of supplements as well as tonics that make her day-to-day life easy with prolonged relief. A natural based formulation of herbal products can be the best solution for woman’s almost every health concerns. Since many people are turning to Ayurvedic health solutions due to its simple, traditional and effective results, the trend on new findings and formulation to prevent, cure and protect health is on the advance mode. A natural way of leading a healthy lifestyle especially for women’s life cycle will support not only the ones she is associated with but can bring in a change for an entire future lifestyle.